American Carbon Alliance Encourages EPA to Permit Class VI Wells

American Carbon Alliance CEO Tom Buis sent the following letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan this week:


July 10, 2024

Michael S. Regan
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20460

Dear Administrator Regan,

I am writing on behalf of the American Carbon Alliance to support the EPA’s efforts to expedite Class VI carbon sequestration well permits for ethanol plants. These facilities are crucial for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving our climate goals.

Granting ethanol plants Class VI permits will enhance their carbon sequestration capabilities and align with national climate objectives. The US has significant capacity to store CO2 in secure geologic formations, as outlined in the Department of Energy’s Carbon Storage Atlas.

The EPA’s Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program is essential for safe CO2 storage, but the permitting pace for Class VI wells must accelerate. Currently, only two Class VI wells have been permitted, with more applications pending. Expanding permitting capacity is critical for supporting the ethanol industry’s sequestration efforts.

Recent federal investments in carbon management provide opportunities to scale carbon capture projects. To capitalize on these, the EPA must enhance its permitting capacity for Class VI wells and expedite state Class VI primacy applications.

We appreciate the EPA’s efforts toward a sustainable environment. Rural America can play a significant role in carbon storage, and interest among ethanol producers is high. We urge the EPA to expand Class VI well permitting capacity to support the ethanol industry’s carbon sequestration and contribute to national climate objectives.

Thank you for your attention. We look forward to working with the EPA to advance our shared environmental goals.


Tom Buis
CEO, American Carbon Alliance

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