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If you're concerned about safety, you want [energy] moving through a pipeline...
Gov. Doug Burgum
Pipeline Safety Facts
- Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology has been safely and successfully implemented since the 1970’s.
- Over 5,000 miles of CO2 pipelines already exist in the United States.
- CO2 Pipelines have an impeccable safety record. ZERO pipeline fatalities in the last 20 YEARS.
- CO2 is much less of a health and environmental hazard than other pipelines.
- CO2 is not combustable. It is used as a fire retardant.
- Carbon Capture technology has been deployed at more than 40 ethanol facilities throughout the United States.
- Pipeline transportation is the safest method.
- The new CO2 pipelines being proposed will be the safest pipelines ever constructed. 100% of welds will be x-rayed, instead of the required 10%. New CO2 pipelines will deploy real-time leak detection and in- person monitoring 24/7, 365 days a year.

Play Video about Summit CEO Lee Blank Discusses Pipeline Safety
Summit Carbon Solutions CEO Lee Blank discusses the role that pipelines already play in delivering energy.