News Room

Press Releases

ACA Joins Newly Launched SAF Coalition

The American Carbon Alliance is excited to be a part of the SAF Coalition. This new alliance of stakeholders from across the aviation industry value


Pipeline Impact on Iowa Land Values

When it comes to the effects of the pipeline on land values, Jim Rothermich at Iowa Appraisal recently offered some real world observations from recent

Press Releases

ACA Letter to President Biden

Should the IRS adopt the GREET model, ethanol could be used as the primary feedstock for Sustainable Aviation Fuel, which will revolutionize our energy and agriculture industries.

Press Releases

Tharaldson Ethanol Joins American Carbon Alliance

“We are thrilled to join the American Carbon Alliance and collaborate with like-minded organizations committed to opening new markets for producers and moving the ag industry into the future.”

ACA Newsletter

Alliance News: March 2024

Over the past month, we’ve seen some truly exciting news unfolding in carbon capture. Summit Carbon Solutions announced Valero, the world’s second-largest corn ethanol producer, will be a shipper on their pipeline.